GPS Geodesy and Geophysics

The Site of James R. Clynch

I am placing on this site a large amount of material generated over the years as a scientist and teacher.  The material is in the areas of GPS, Geodesy, and Geophysics (mainly about radio propagation along ground to satellite paths).

Technical Notes.  Technical Notes

I have edited and uploaded about 30 short technical notes.  They are divided into sections: Geodesy, Maps, GPS, Atmosphere, Time, Mathematics, and General.  Little mathematics is needed to understand most topics.  A few require vectors and calculus.  The more technical notes are yet to be uploaded.


I have provided about 500 modules in Fortran Fortran, which was the major language I used in scientific studies.  While this may be out of date, it may serve as template for some.  The majority of the geodesy modules, and some others were converted to Matlab.  This language needs an runtime program that is expensive, but usually discounted for educational institutions.  I have also converted a small number of geodesy modules to JavaScript. These were used in an online interactive module.

Images I have provided about 1000 images that might be useful. These are both technical images, and utility ones (arrows, backgrounds etc.)  They are available two ways. There are a set of zip files that cover different technical areas.  In addition there is a thumbnail set - 50 images per page -where individual images can be view.  This is likely best used to decide what zip collection are desired.  The zips are all  1 MByte or less.

Musings.    Musings

This is a section where I put short - maybe sometimes longer - notes on things that cross my mind.  The subjects will be technical.

Links.   WWW Links

Only a few of the many links are given here.  But some lead to more links.  

Updates.  Updates

I have several technical notes in various stages of editing.  I hope to have two to four updates during the first year, but will fade after that.

Professional Background:

James Clynch is a retired professor and scientist.  He worked for over 3 decades in pure and applied  research centered on satellite navigation systems - mainly GPS and the older Transit system. He worked on applications of these systems  as precision systems, and their use as a probe of the ionosphere and atmosphere. For the first 2 decades he worked at the Applied Research Laboratories attached to the University of Texas at Austin. For the last decade he did research and taught  courses in geodesy and navigation at the Naval Postgraduate School.

He can be reached by email at  mail to JR Clynch

Last Updated:  8-22-2006
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